Visita delegazione Vietnam e UNIDO Roma

La delegazione Vietnamita e dell’Unido visita a Roma la sede Federcalzature – Confcommercio ed incontra il presidente Federcalzature Massimo Donda, il Membro di Giunta Angelo Hassan ed il Segretario Generale Alessandro Marcelli.

The Delegation of Vietnam and of Unido, have visited the headquartes of Federcalzature – Confcommercio in Rome and they met the president Massimo Donda, and Mr. Angelo Hassan (member of the Council) and Mr. Alessandro Marcelli, (Secretary General).


Foto di gruppo

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Pubblicazione della versione Inglese del libro “I passi del successso” – “The footsteps of success”

E’ stata realizzata la versione in inglese del libro edito in italiano da Franco Angeli “I passi del successo” – “The footsteps of success”.

We realized the English version of the italian book “I passi del successo” – “The footsteps of success” written by Massimo Donda

Copertina del libro in inglese

Copertina del libro in inglese

A year after “At the feet of success”, Massimo Donda has resumed writing about shoes. Here he presents another 15 case histories of Italian companies, leaders in various sectors of the footwear industry. These stores recount the rise, the development and the success of Italian entrepreneurs who, in just a few decades, have climbed to the top of their respective sectors worldwide thanks to a culture of hard work, ingenuity, creativity and membership in a winning, integrated system: the industrial district. Indeed, this is the only system in Europe that can still follow all the production processes involved in building a shoe, from design to accessories to materials. These are stories of companies, both small and large, that have innovated, invested and gained worldwide recognition but which are often unsung heroes at home. Despite ruthless international competition and such high labor costs that a structural crisis has ensued for the entire sector, these companies have maintained a position of leadership through innovation, quality and brand policy.

Massimo Donda descends from D.C.O. “shoe-makers”. The family company, “Calzaturificio Donda”, was founded in Trieste over a century ago, in 1887, when the city was not even part of Italy but still under the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Emperor Franz Joseph!

It was his great-grandfather Giuseppe Donda who inaugurated the family tradition nearly 120 years ago, which was then carried forward by his grandfather Romeo, his father Fabio.

Massimo Donda is currently Italian President of Federcalzature, the Italian National Association of Footwear Dealers, past president of CEDDEC European Shoe Trade Confederation and member of the National Council of Confcommercio, the Italian Association of Retailers.

With Andrea Guolo, the journalist specialized in the sector who edited “At the feet of success”, the pair have gathered the stories of 15 Italian companies. Five high-end companies: Bruno Magli, Pakerson, Baldinini, Campanile, Artioli. One specialized in comfort: Stonefly. One in “comfort fashion”: Valleverde. Two in sports: Lotto, Tecnica. Three large-scale producers: Filanto, Canguro, Fly Flot. One trendy: Linea Marche. Two specialized in children’s shoes: Melania, Kickers.

“The Footsteps of Success” deals with the footwear sector as seen from the viewpoint of the Consumer and the retailer.

Starting with the statistics gathered and an analysis of the case histories, the book is designed to indicate the overall trends that have brought about, and can still result in, corporate success.

The goal of this work is to give the reader a sense of the passion those working in the field have for their creations and for their entrepreneurial choices that have led to “great strides of success”!

The author has sought to enrich this book with a wealth of tidbits and contents that will be interesting for the professional reader: shop owners, directors, sales staff, representatives, managers, shoe factory owners, designers, giving them greater insight into the field where they work. At the same time, it is to be a “tranche de vie”, a cross-section of the sector, providing interesting reading for students approaching the fashion sector, for “fashion victims” and for informed consumers, for everyone.

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Inaugurazione Fiera di Dongguan – Cina

Massimo Donda presidente Federcalzature partecipa alla cerimonia di apertura della fiera di Dongguan in China il 30 Ottobre 2008


Massimo Donda president of Federcalzature Italian Shoe Trade Federation at Opening Ceremony of Dongguan Fair in China 30 October 2008.



Durante la fiera, Massimo Donda, ha ricevuto il premio “In appreciation of the support” da Dongguan China Shoes – Cina Shoetec Fair.




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Giunta Consiglio Federcalzature

In data 19 settembre, presso la fiera della calzatura MICAM a Milano, il Consiglio Federcalzature, presieduto dal presidente comm. Massimo Donda, ha eletto la Giunta così formata:

1) Angelo Uriel Hassan (Roma)
2) Annick Mollard (Mantova)
3) Athos Albrizzi (Modena)
4) Cristiana Casaioli (Perugia)
5) Mariolina Formisano (Napoli)
6) Roberto Colombo (Varese)

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Gruppo d’acquisto calzature – Fondazione a Milano

E’ stato fondato il 15/09/2008 a Milano il gruppo d’acquisto calzature, voluto dal presidente di Federcalzature Massimo Donda


Foto riunione preparatoria a Bolzano


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30° Convegno Leon – Mexico

Il 22 ed il 23 Agosto a Leon in Messico il presidente Federcalzature ha partecipato in qualita’ di speaker al 30° convegno internazionale: ”Reimagining the Shoe Industry” organizzato da Calzatecnia.

22th and 23th of August in Leon, Mexico, Massimo Donda, president of Federcalzature Italian Shoe Trade Association, was speaker at 30° International Shoe Conference: ”Reimagining the Shoe Industry” organized by Calzatecnia.

Intervento di Massimo Donda

Intervento di Massimo Donda

Durante la manifestazione, Massimo Donda ha ricevuto il premio “magistral speaker” da Emma Acevedo Moreno, coordinatrice di Calzatecnia Endustria del Calzado

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Onorificenza Commendatore (Trieste)

In piazza Unita’ d’Italia, a Trieste, in occasione della cerimonia della festa della repubblica Italiana, a Massimo Donda e’ stata consegnata l’onorificenza di Commendatore dell’ordine al merito della Repubblica Italiana.

On the occasion of the celebrations for the anniversary of the ItalianRepublic in Piazza Unità d’Italia in Triest Italy, Mr. Massimo Donda was awarded the honour of Commendatore della Repubblica, in recognition of his merit.

Cerimonia del 2 giugno

Cerimonia del 2 giugno

Gonfaloni in Piazza Unità

Gonfaloni in Piazza Unità

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Viaggio Cina: Dongguan e Canton

VIAGGIO IN CINA da Lunedi 14 Aprile a Lunedi 21 Aprile visita centro commerciale all’ingrosso, visita fiera Dongguang, visita fiera di Canton

Il presidente Federcalzature Massimo Donda ha inaugurato Mercoledi 16 Aprile 2008 la fiera delle calzature a Dongguan in Cina.
Sono seguiti numerosi incontri con le autorita’ e le aziende cinesi e la visita alla fiera.
Il presidente Donda era accompagnato da una delegazione di imprenditori italiani.

Massimo Donda president of Federcalzature: Italian Shoe Trade Federation, inaugurated Wednesday 16 April 2008 Chinese Shoe Fair in Dongguan. An Italian shoe business delegations attended president Donda.

Cerimonia di inaugurazione

Cerimonia di inaugurazione

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Elezioni Federcalzature quadriennio 2008-2012

Martedi 26/02/2008 a Milano presso la fiera Micam si e’ riunita l’Assemblea elettiva Federcalzature. Erano presenti il 63,8 % dei voti. E’ stato rieletto Presidente Federcalzature il commendator Massimo Donda di Trieste con 97 voti pari all’100% dei voti validamente espressi.

Il Nuovo Consiglio Nazionale e’ cosi’ formato:

1) Albrizzi Athos Modena
2) Allorto Cesare Torino
3) Bonini Giovanni Parma
4) Bruschi Sergio Vicenza
5) Cappelletto Gianpaolo Venezia
6) Casaioli Cristiana Perugia
7) Colombo Roberto Varese
8) Formisano Mariolina Napoli
9) Hassan Angelo Roma
10) Massoletti Roberto Brescia
11) Mollard Annick Mantova
12) Pedrali Diego Bergamo
13) Schillaci Nino Palermo

I Probiviri eletti sono:
1) D’Ordia Mario Napoli
2) Raoli Giorgio Roma
3) Vinardi Giovanni Torino

I Revisori dei Conti sono:
1) Baracchino Enrico Livorno
2) Nobile Luciano Trieste
3) Ravanelli Giuseppe Bologna
4) Menini Pilade Pordenone supplente
5) Prato Giorgio Imperia supplente

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Viaggio Dongguan – Cina

HONG KONG dal 25/11 al 01/12/2007

visita fiera Dongguan, visita fiera e al centro commerciale ingrosso

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